अमरीका में घूमती मछलियां…..

अमरीका आते समय जिस बात का दुख सबसे अधिक था उसमें एक बात यही थी कि आर्टोलॉग को कैसे आगे बढ़ाया जाएगा क्योंकि मीनाक्षी की पढ़ाई फिर से शुरु हो रही थी. हालांकि ये तय किया गया कि छुट्टियों में आर्टोलॉग का काम जारी रहेगा. इसी कारण पिछले साल हमने दतिया, फिरोज़पुर और अमरीका आने[…]

A fish aquarium at the autism centre – First community art project in USA

My first community art project in a new country and thats too with an autism centre was not easy but at the end everything ended perfectly as it happens in almost all the projects of artologue. Even before coming to United States, I had opted for community art project in my course in Saint Louis,[…]

Togetherness is passé, Threesome is awesome: Week 1

Togetherness is pas’se, Threesome is awesome. Here stares the new series which extends the I in Togetherness. Those were his first foot prints. Official first foot prints of him on the earth. He was just born for 24 hours when these prints were taken. Apparently it was a process to be followed. What footprints he[…]

Diary of a House-Husband

It is almost six months now since we have shifted to US for a year or two depending on circumstances. In these months Mee has changed from an artist working mainly in her studio space to an artist studying, teaching, making new artworks and being a mother…all at once. On the other hand, I am[…]

When Samsa became Human…

( This blog was originally written in the form of posts on Facebook by Jey Sushil and later collected together. Those who want to read further can start from Franz Kafka’s metamorphosis from where the inspiration came to write these posts. Other references are from Chinua Achebe’s things fall apart, J.D Salinger’s Catcher in the[…]

Why I became Jey…

My official name is Sushil Kumar Jha but now mostly people know me as Jey Sushil. I have been asked a lot of times about Why I changed my surname on Social Media. Here is the answer. Let me confess something very seriously. The first time in my life I felt the importance of my[…]