Diapers and pacifiers…..

As new parents we have realized that Diapers are the biggest invention by humankind but I think pacifiers should take the top position. One can manage without diapers like how our parents have done it. I have myself raised my niece without diapers twenty years ago. The life becomes a bit difficult as you have[…]

The soft spoken government officer in Datia

We had no idea that Damodar Sarang was a government officer when he messaged me on the Facebook messenger inviting us to paint in a school in Datia, Madhya Pradesh. We have been planning to travel in Madhya Pradesh for many years and 2017 seemed to be apt for that. We had already covered Mumbai[…]

‘लाइफ में कुछ तो अच्छा कर के जाना है…’

साल 2017 के कई ब्लॉग नहीं लिखे गए थे. लेकिन अब धीरे धीरे सारे ब्लॉग अपडेट कर रहे हैं. दिल्ली के द्वारका में एक बेसहारा, अनाथ बच्चों का केंद्र है जो सरकारी तो नहीं है लेकिन बहुत अच्छे से चलता है. सारे बच्चों का डाटा होता है और पुलिस के पास जो अनाथ बच्चे आते[…]

The Dinosaurs, crocodiles and Elephants in Punjab

It has been a year now. When we look back at the experience of painting in two village schools of Punjab, Lot of things come into the mind. The year 2017 have been full of events in our life. all good ones and one of the reason we were not able to update the blogs[…]

The Jey Couple on their Art-Journey

Meenakshi and Jey began with a simple idea. How can we bring art and travel together? The founders of Artlogue talks to Narayana Menon K about their passion for the road and for art. Taking the idea of “painting the town red” literally, they went ahead and painted the town, although in vibrant colours of[…]

What’s in a name : #Threesomeisawesome, Week 2

Shakespeare has said, What’s in a name but if you go by Indian way of names then there is a lot in a name. In the second week of the #threesomeisawesome series, We will be talking about How we zeroed in on the name of our new born and Why a name is important in[…]