उस भरोसे की गूंज अभी भी हमारे ज़ेहन में है

वो भी कुछ ऐसा ही सामान्य सा ही दिन था जब फेसबुक के हमारे इनबॉक्स में एक संदेश आया. संदेश था- ”अभी तुम्हारा पोस्ट देखा. मीनाक्षी का कपड़ों से आर्ट बनाने के बारे में. दिल्ली में हो तो गूंज आ जाओ. हमें बहुत खुशी होगी अगर तुम्हारे प्रोजेक्ट में कपड़ा दे पाए तो. क्या पता[…]

A little faith…..helps you in a big way

Abstract of the work- Mee believes that artist treat the mundane material in a way that separates them from other people using it. It is Mee’s passion to give new meaning, form and hence new identity to objects that have already lived a life. This is one reason why she often works with old, discarded[…]

‘I in Togetherness’- The Life of Mee-Jey

Mee-Jey just finished their four day show ‘I in Togetherness” in Experimental art gallery of India habitat centre in New Delhi. The show was attended by more than 700 people and many of them became part of the show. Detailed report will be updated soon but before that read a report by ARTI GUPTA As[…]

I in Togetherness- The Exhibition

If you remember the 52 week long I in Togetherness Series then here is a good news of the series getting exhibited in New Delhi. Those who have no idea about the series then let me give an introduction. EVENT PAGE FOR THE SHOW- CLICK AND LET US KNOW THAT YOU ARE COMING In 2016,[…]

The installation art at Art-Beat 

We were in Bangalore for a week and looking for opportunities to paint with communities and a friend put us in touch with a small art-school named Art-Beat in Bangalore. We had a small telephonic chat and decided to meet Namratha who runs the art-beat school where kids of  different ages come and learn to[…]

The Urban Society and joy of community work

We have been painting with friends, acquaintances,strangers, families, schools and various communities but we had never got a chance to paint in any urban society. The moment we think about an urban set up, we think about big flats and societies where no one knows who lives in the other flat. No one has any[…]