Togetherness is passé, Threesome is awesome: Week 1

Togetherness is pas’se, Threesome is awesome. Here stares the new series which extends the I in Togetherness. Those were his first foot prints. Official first foot prints of him on the earth. He was just born for 24 hours when these prints were taken. Apparently it was a process to be followed. What footprints he[…]

I in Togetherness : week 25 to 32

‘I’ in Togetherness: A series of 52 photos in 52 weeks to understand the Journey of a couple together and as Individuals. The I in Togetherness. They are known as Jey couple together and as Mee and Jey individually. Here are the photos and Text from week 25 to 32 Week 25:  Clothes Jey Sushil:[…]

I in Togetherness- Week 17 to 24

‘I’ in Togetherness: A series of 52 photos in 52 weeks to understand the Journey of a couple together and as Individuals. The I in Togetherness. They are known as Jey couple together and as Mee and Jey individually. Here are the photos and Text from week 17 to 24 Week 17 : SHOES Mee: MEE[…]

I in Togetherness

 It’s not easy travelling everyday and as you know one has to earn for a living. We are not travelling doesn’t mean we are not thinking about art and travel.  We are exploring ourselves everyday and want you to come with us on a journey. The journey called ‘I’ in Togetherness where MEE and JEY explores[…]