Gangs of Rangpur in Nalanda

‘’You guys look Yankee. You know….different… like artists.’’ It was the first reaction of Dr Siddharth, SP of Nalanda. We think he meant funky when he said Yankee. We were in the office of Superintendent of police to discuss the idea to paint in a police station. Dr Siddharth principally agreed to the idea but[…]

मुझे अम्मी चाहिए…..

चांद अंसारी को कला में रुचि थी. उन्हें ठीक ठीक याद नहीं कि वो क्या बनना चाहते थे लेकिन वो कहते हैं, ‘ मैं भी कुछ कुछ आप लोगों जैसा ही करना चाहता था. लेकिन गरीबी इतनी थी कि काम करना पड़ा. अब टेलरिंग का काम करता हूं. बंबई में.’ चांद अंसारी हमें मिले भागलपुर[…]

संथाल टोला- मस्ती, रंग और वो देसी मुर्गा

संथाल टोला सुनते ही मुझे फूदन माझी की याद आती है. उसका सरसों के तेल में चुपड़ा बदन और उसकी वो बांसुरी. ये पुरानी बात है. अब मालूम भी नहीं फूदन माझी कहां है. आज हम लोग कल्याण टुडू के घर पर हैं जहां माझी थान यानी उनके भगवान के घर को रंगना है. मदद[…]

The Ideas factory…..and the trademark Fish

The Engineering college kids had many ideas. One of them wanted to make a device which can automatically make music with the lyrics. One girl wanted to make a robot controlled by mind. One student was keen to try out photography. Someone wanted to make more intelligent machine than those shown in the film- Transformers[…]

From messed up wall to a beautiful painting….

Ayush was not shy exactly but he was reluctant to ask the question publicly. Jey had just made an offer to the kids that they can ask him anything. Ayush came to him and took him to the stairs and asked the pertinent question going on in almost every kid’s mind, ‘How to tackle the[…]

The story of an Incomplete Painting…

The journey towards Muzaffarpur started with Rain. We were drenched and reached late to the school where we were supposed to paint. We wanted to paint in a school which is deprived or under privileged. People suggested us to paint in any school in the red light area named Chaturbhuj Sthan. We were put in[…]

Building blocks of life….and much more

When we have great hosts we end up painting more. That’s what happened in Amnour village of Vaishali. so this blog will have more pictures and endless pleasure we had in the rural setting. The work in Amnour started with Meenakshi arranging and mixing the colors. Next Jey had to help kids to prepare for[…]

गोलियां, बंदूक और रंग…ये जहानाबाद है.

जहानाबाद भी चलना है. बहुत ही गरीब बच्चे वहां आप दोनों का इंतज़ार कर रहे हैं. हमारे मित्र निराला जी ने जब जहानाबाद का नाम लिया तो हमारी पहली प्रतिक्रिया थी कि जहानाबाद तो नक्सली इलाक़ा है और दूर भी होगा न पटना से उन्होंने कहा नहीं नहीं बगल में ही है. वाकई सिर्फ पचास[…]

Going back to the Roots…

अगर हम अंग्रेज़ होते तो लिखते कि Travelling to the most notorious part of India, which is Bihar. लेकिन हम अभी अंग्रेज़ नहीं हुए हैं तो कहना ये है कि इस बार यात्रा बिहार और झारखंड की है. जो हम दोनों के लिए जड़ों की ओर लौटने जैसा है. झारखंड-बिहार की यात्रा को लेकर डरे[…]

World through pillion rider’s eyes

As we are starting a new journey of artologue, Meenakshi Jey is taking you through another world. A world seen by a Pillion rider. You must have read the world of a rider, a motorcycle but this is the world of a pillion rider, her perils, her problems and her enjoyments. Travelling, that now seems[…]

जेल के करतब और कलाकार होने का अनुभव

हमारी हरी बुलेट डासना जेल के गेट पर रुकने ही वाली थी कि सिपाही ने डपटा, ‘इधर किधर जाय रहे हो.’  हमने कहा जेलर साब ने बुलाया है. पूछताछ हुई. बड़ा सा ताला खुला. मोबाइल फोन जब्त किए गए. बैग ले लिया गया और हाथों में लगाया गया स्टांप. जैसे डिस्को वगैरह में जाने पर[…]

Moments make you what you are…

Dasna jail broke all the myths we had about a jail. Actually till now, we had seen jails only in films. We expected the scenes of dreaded criminals, bad food, stern jailers beating the prisoners and barracks overflowing with shit. Contrary to that, we found a very neat and clean jail campus where bad elements[…]

Goosebumps in the jail…

We were not exactly excited by the offer to paint in the Dasna jail with the prisoners. We were nervous, sceptical and worried about what is going to happen. Jey was tense as he didn’t want this to happen like a media managed PR event where media gets a limited access to prisoners and all[…]

We laugh….We learn….We work….We dream…

They were quite……obedient…and sharp. They listened what we had to say in rapt attention. They were kids from very poor backgrounds. Many of them have been rescued as child laborers. Many of them still work as laborers in small shops, factories and in their homes stitching clothes, making doormats, spinning threads and all those works which[…]

The poster painter and revolutionary lovers

Jey and Meenakshi used the block prints for the first time in their murals. It was  innovative and intriguing for art lovers to make imprints on the wall. Priyamvad is a comrade who can sketch beautifully.The moment we entered their home, we saw Pash’s poems and sketches by Priyamvad. We asked and got to know[…]

अंतहीन आकाश और सपनों के रंग

अक्सर ही कोई बुलाता है…अपने घर…याद नहींं प्रियंवद ने कैसे बुलाया था…पर इतना याद है कि फोन पर बात करते समय प्रियंवद संयत और अत्यंत मधुर लगे थे….बात कैसे बढ़ी ये भी याद नहींं..लेकिन पहुंच गए थे हम पेंटिंग करने…..हम अपना अनुभव इस ब्लॉग के बाद साझा करेंगे लेकिन पहले प्रियंंवद और विभावरी ने जो[…]

Escape to the world of fantasy….

The message was simple, ‘I saw your work. its really good. Can you guys come and paint at our learning centre in Shahpur Jat.’ Jey replied, ‘If you guys work with kids, then why not, but let me ask Meenakshi first.’ Within three days of this conversation on Facebook we landed up in a flat[…]

Sea of colors in Desert

Another day, another school, another chance to create something new. By now we had learnt a little more about the Gandhi Fellows and we decided to involve them in our madness along with the kids. This school was smaller than the previous one with fewer students but equipped with separate learning rooms. I was excited[…]

The Blue Motorcycle…

It was a sunday and no government school is suppose to be opened, but Sheolpura village is unique. They decided to meet the Artologue team on a Sunday with full attendance of teachers and students. We reached late and surprised to see that every student was present in the school and eager to paint. They[…]