Children of God…in Artologue

For the first time, we were nervous. It is difficult to explain the rush of mixed emotion when we reached the Srijan Help, a school for ‘special’ children. They greeted us with hearty smiles, warm shake-hands, curious looks and shyness. Initially talking to them looked like a difficult task but that was not because a[…]

The Polite admirers of Begusarai…

Begusarai is not a place. It’s a legend, it’s a myth but still it was not on our Artologue trip because no one had invited us from there. I had this feeling since beginning that without Begusarai, Bihar trip will not be considered complete. And so it happened. We got a flood of invites from[…]

Gangs of Rangpur in Nalanda

‘’You guys look Yankee. You know….different… like artists.’’ It was the first reaction of Dr Siddharth, SP of Nalanda. We think he meant funky when he said Yankee. We were in the office of Superintendent of police to discuss the idea to paint in a police station. Dr Siddharth principally agreed to the idea but[…]

मुझे अम्मी चाहिए…..

चांद अंसारी को कला में रुचि थी. उन्हें ठीक ठीक याद नहीं कि वो क्या बनना चाहते थे लेकिन वो कहते हैं, ‘ मैं भी कुछ कुछ आप लोगों जैसा ही करना चाहता था. लेकिन गरीबी इतनी थी कि काम करना पड़ा. अब टेलरिंग का काम करता हूं. बंबई में.’ चांद अंसारी हमें मिले भागलपुर[…]