Starry Hills with Fishes in Spring Halls

“Here comes the hippies……”. That was the welcoming comment we received when we entered Frank’s home in Gunehar, a village on the mountains of Himachal Pradesh, somewhere near the Bir-Billing, that is probably the only place in India where you can paraglide. We were not there to paraglide but to participate in the ongoing conceptual[…]

Opening more Openings…for art

Journey to Jaisalmer was a memorable ride. Fantastic broad roads, bright sun, deep blue clear sky and sandy soil occasionally dotted with mustered farms. Many a time Jey had to stop on road abruptly. No …there were no traffic lights but large herds of sheep, families of Neel Gai, pair of camels or peacocks were[…]

गुलेल, चिकन और यादें….

हज़ारीबाग जाना नहीं था लेकिन कहते हैं न यात्राओं में पता नहीं होता आप कहां से कहां पहुंच जाते हैं. जब भागलपुर में थे तो शशि से बात हुई तो शशि ने कहा कि अगर हम हज़ारीबाग जाएंगे तो वो मुंबई से हमसे मिलने आ जाएंगे. शशि को हम फेसबुक से ही जानते थे और[…]