Lodarwa: Red Sun & Orange moon

“Who all are there in your family?”, Meenakshi asked just before entering the house of our host Sumer in Lodrawa, Jaisalmer. “…..My parents, my two elder brothers, their wives and two nephews.” “Ok”. We rode 20 kms away from Jaisalmer city to reach this village. For these 20 kms we experience desert in true sense;[…]

30 days..50 ft of canvas and 100 stories…

October is a good month…actually a great month, we have heard always in the poems, stories, in talks by people but this year it proved to be really great for Artologue. Artolouge had its first exhibition in India Habitat Centre for a month exhibiting the murals, objects and painted with more than 1500 people. we[…]

The tears….emotions….and the exhibit…

India Habitat Centre gives an open space where we have displayed the digital prints of murals we have done and objects collected from various homes. In last 20 days more than 500 people have painted on this canvas making whatever they wanted to make. 25 ft canvas have been painted fully and we had to[…]

Art Walle लोग

Amidst anxieties, last minute confusions, surprising changes in plan and chaos, the exhibition ART Walle LoG finally opened for public to view and participate. This exhibition brings together our experience of painting 45 murals with families, schools and communities in 17 states over nearly 3 years at one place. Thanks to Dr. Alka Pande who[…]

Marriage and painting : a new experience

Creating a painting for others and marrying a daughter feels alike. Once back from the 45 days Bihar Jharkhand Artologue trip, we had a hard time coping with the fact that we will perhaps never see the paintings we did during the trip. We and especially Meenakshi spent hours going through the same photographs from[…]

गुलेल, चिकन और यादें….

हज़ारीबाग जाना नहीं था लेकिन कहते हैं न यात्राओं में पता नहीं होता आप कहां से कहां पहुंच जाते हैं. जब भागलपुर में थे तो शशि से बात हुई तो शशि ने कहा कि अगर हम हज़ारीबाग जाएंगे तो वो मुंबई से हमसे मिलने आ जाएंगे. शशि को हम फेसबुक से ही जानते थे और[…]

Children of God…in Artologue

For the first time, we were nervous. It is difficult to explain the rush of mixed emotion when we reached the Srijan Help, a school for ‘special’ children. They greeted us with hearty smiles, warm shake-hands, curious looks and shyness. Initially talking to them looked like a difficult task but that was not because a[…]

The Polite admirers of Begusarai…

Begusarai is not a place. It’s a legend, it’s a myth but still it was not on our Artologue trip because no one had invited us from there. I had this feeling since beginning that without Begusarai, Bihar trip will not be considered complete. And so it happened. We got a flood of invites from[…]

Gangs of Rangpur in Nalanda

‘’You guys look Yankee. You know….different… like artists.’’ It was the first reaction of Dr Siddharth, SP of Nalanda. We think he meant funky when he said Yankee. We were in the office of Superintendent of police to discuss the idea to paint in a police station. Dr Siddharth principally agreed to the idea but[…]

मुझे अम्मी चाहिए…..

चांद अंसारी को कला में रुचि थी. उन्हें ठीक ठीक याद नहीं कि वो क्या बनना चाहते थे लेकिन वो कहते हैं, ‘ मैं भी कुछ कुछ आप लोगों जैसा ही करना चाहता था. लेकिन गरीबी इतनी थी कि काम करना पड़ा. अब टेलरिंग का काम करता हूं. बंबई में.’ चांद अंसारी हमें मिले भागलपुर[…]

संथाल टोला- मस्ती, रंग और वो देसी मुर्गा

संथाल टोला सुनते ही मुझे फूदन माझी की याद आती है. उसका सरसों के तेल में चुपड़ा बदन और उसकी वो बांसुरी. ये पुरानी बात है. अब मालूम भी नहीं फूदन माझी कहां है. आज हम लोग कल्याण टुडू के घर पर हैं जहां माझी थान यानी उनके भगवान के घर को रंगना है. मदद[…]

The Ideas factory…..and the trademark Fish

The Engineering college kids had many ideas. One of them wanted to make a device which can automatically make music with the lyrics. One girl wanted to make a robot controlled by mind. One student was keen to try out photography. Someone wanted to make more intelligent machine than those shown in the film- Transformers[…]

From messed up wall to a beautiful painting….

Ayush was not shy exactly but he was reluctant to ask the question publicly. Jey had just made an offer to the kids that they can ask him anything. Ayush came to him and took him to the stairs and asked the pertinent question going on in almost every kid’s mind, ‘How to tackle the[…]

Building blocks of life….and much more

When we have great hosts we end up painting more. That’s what happened in Amnour village of Vaishali. so this blog will have more pictures and endless pleasure we had in the rural setting. The work in Amnour started with Meenakshi arranging and mixing the colors. Next Jey had to help kids to prepare for[…]

गोलियां, बंदूक और रंग…ये जहानाबाद है.

जहानाबाद भी चलना है. बहुत ही गरीब बच्चे वहां आप दोनों का इंतज़ार कर रहे हैं. हमारे मित्र निराला जी ने जब जहानाबाद का नाम लिया तो हमारी पहली प्रतिक्रिया थी कि जहानाबाद तो नक्सली इलाक़ा है और दूर भी होगा न पटना से उन्होंने कहा नहीं नहीं बगल में ही है. वाकई सिर्फ पचास[…]

Going back to the Roots…

अगर हम अंग्रेज़ होते तो लिखते कि Travelling to the most notorious part of India, which is Bihar. लेकिन हम अभी अंग्रेज़ नहीं हुए हैं तो कहना ये है कि इस बार यात्रा बिहार और झारखंड की है. जो हम दोनों के लिए जड़ों की ओर लौटने जैसा है. झारखंड-बिहार की यात्रा को लेकर डरे[…]

World through pillion rider’s eyes

As we are starting a new journey of artologue, Meenakshi Jey is taking you through another world. A world seen by a Pillion rider. You must have read the world of a rider, a motorcycle but this is the world of a pillion rider, her perils, her problems and her enjoyments. Travelling, that now seems[…]

जेल के करतब और कलाकार होने का अनुभव

हमारी हरी बुलेट डासना जेल के गेट पर रुकने ही वाली थी कि सिपाही ने डपटा, ‘इधर किधर जाय रहे हो.’  हमने कहा जेलर साब ने बुलाया है. पूछताछ हुई. बड़ा सा ताला खुला. मोबाइल फोन जब्त किए गए. बैग ले लिया गया और हाथों में लगाया गया स्टांप. जैसे डिस्को वगैरह में जाने पर[…]